World Children’s Festival 2015

We invite your participation in and support for the world’s premier children’s celebration—the 5th World Children’s Festival—this July 2nd to 4th at The National Mall.

First launched in 1999 as the “Olympics” of children’s imagination and co-creation, the WCF has grown into the world’s premier children’s celebration and is now a permanent quadrennial event in our nation’s capital. The WCF advances a grassroots movement for children’s creative and empathic development sparked some twenty years ago by the International Child Art Foundation as the building block for universal prosperity and peace.

Young musicians and performers can apply to showcase their talents on The National Mall.

Educators and artists can apply to host a workshop or activity.

At the WCF2015, children will celebrate Creativity, Diversity, and Unity as an example to the world. In a setting of global community, the production and exhibition of their amazing works that include electrifying performances by young musicians and dancers as well as the co-creation of “peace murals” by professional artists and child artists, and the exhilarating activities and workshops by eminent educators will collectively create a synesthetic experience—a total work of art on The National Mall and a transformative experience for all.

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